Big Bunny Movie Gallery

        Cras bibendum ultricies augue at consectetur. Suspendisse vehicula massa at arcu aliquet, eu lacinia nisi pharetra. Etiam vulputate pretium bibendum. Aliquam cursus tortor nec nulla dignissim dictum. Nam ac enim semper, porttitor metus ullamcorper, cursus urna. Maecenas eu erat neque. Quisque sit amet justo in nisi consequat aliquam a id dui. Nullam sollicitudin tincidunt dignissim. Mauris non nisi purus. Morbi ultrices tortor blandit, malesuada erat sit amet, interdum libero. Sed bibendum pellentesque justo, nec ullamcorper mi viverra quis. Sed nec suscipit felis.

        Curabitur erat nunc, euismod eu mi eget, fermentum euismod mi. Pellentesque eleifend venenatis risus id pretium. Vestibulum at tellus et nisl semper congue. Mauris vel magna eu tortor aliquet auctor quis et tellus. Quisque venenatis risus non pulvinar sollicitudin. Fusce semper nisi non nunc bibendum venenatis. Quisque pulvinar massa nisi. Curabitur porta tellus vitae sem dictum bibendum. Suspendisse potenti. Donec mollis commodo lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Sed mi elit, ornare quis justo eget, vulputate posuere sem.

        Attributions (photos):
        (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /

        2 238 Comments

        1. La paiil¡rsÃs del sueño pasa pero a veces no estás consciente en esa etapa, así que puede que no te des cuenta de que la pasaste. No te preocupes, la parálisis es solo para proteger tu cuerpo mientras duermes, al despertar estarás bien.

        2. plz plz help…..i wasn’t working out intensely for 4-5 days (was doin only spot exercise minus d intense cardio)but 1 day i did 1 of ur HIIT wko8,,,,n the next de my upper body was SUPERRRRR SORE…I DECIDED nt 2 xcrcise in order 2 avoid any more injuries’bt it has bn 3rd de since doin hiit….my q 2 u is should i avoid doin excercise in such cases???or should i cntinue doing them won’t they mlk d cond^n even worse????

        3. Achei o máximo! Vc já usou o shampoo e o condicionador? São ótimos tb!!!!Estava procurando pra comprar há um bom tempo… Só achava com preço alto! Acabei cde comprar no site da Pri Matz com o seu cupom de desconto! rsrsAnsiosa pra chegar logo!!!!

        4. They are weird 1000, they are tall structures, and every hour, I think it is, in the evening they go off, gas is ignited from them so there are bursts of flame from them. It is quite spectacular when it is dark. They start around 9 in the evening. There are a whole heap of them spread out along the river. They are just decoration really.I am so glad you like this one, I was really happy with the rework. Thank you 1000

        5. Lara Jo – Oh, that is SO CUTE! And takes up so little room! I must say, I’m pretty much sold on Electrolux at this point, seeing as how the one I have is over forty years old and still going strong. Thanks for the suggestion! (And thanks for reading my blog!)Reply

        6. Laïcs, Juifs, Musulmans..tout ce petit monde contre les Chrétiens..on est mal partis!!J’admire ceux qui se battent..quand je vois en Israël comment les chrétiens sont traités!! (citoyens de seconde zone, parce que, parait il, pro-palestinien et bloquant l’annexion de Jérusalem par les Juifs (((hélas c’est trop tard, le plan d’annexion est pratiquement terminé))). Quant à ce qui se passe en Egypte ou en Tunisie (y avez vous été récemment? un vrai désastre) les chrétiens doivent se cacher pour prier. A.

        7. Kalau aku malah berpendapat kalau traffic tinggi bisa menghasilkan uang yang lebih tinggi juga. Blogku sendiri berbahasa indonesia dan pengunjung lebih dari 2000. Hasil adsense yang aku dapat perbulan sudah 1 juta lebih dan ketika traffic naik penghasilanku juga ikut naik tapi kalau turun penghasilanku juga ikut turun. so itu pendapatku

        8. I was barely old enough to remember Lady Diana’s wedding. I faintly recall all the celebrations. I remember traveling up to London with my parents the week before the wedding and seeing all the lovely collectables in the shops, the bunting, flags lining the streets. I would have loved to? be street side for it all. Missed watching Williams wedding, but attended a barbeque where we celebrated their special day.

        9. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999. He has had two cryo ablation procedures and yet still has the cancer (confined to the prostate). Having worked for a well-known urologist for many years, I feel Dr. Lange’s book is the best literature we have read over the years and has helped answer the many questions we have had in language my husband can understand. Our urologist, however, spends a great deal of time with us explaining everything.

        10. As regras do jogo são estabelecidas à partida. Seria muito desonesto alterá-las quando não correm de feição. Mas repara que eu proponho-me apenas abolir estas aberrações da natureza. Se o sistema se mantiver, posso muito bem por obra do acaso vir a beneficiar de um subsídio para financiar um negócio que me tenha corrido mal. Não me vou obviamente privar.

        11. سيدي الكريم. لا يوجد اي اختزال او استبعاد. على الاقل من طرفي. راجع جميع اطروحاتي التاريخية والجهود التوثيقية. شكرا لك.

        12. ma piantala di fare del revisionismo storico d’accatto ! mi sono rotta di pagare finanche l’acqua a questi bacarazzi in scarpette di Prada! o non lo sai che manco l’acqua pagano in vaticano e la caricano sulle nostre?la balla planetaria del vaticano derubato fa ridere i polli…..e poi parliamo di ladri che accusano gli altri di esserlo……

        13. Undulating Arrow,Did you know ALL of Humanity is descended from Adam and Eve? Did you know this whole "race" thingt is a fabrication by those who wish to divide us? Skin, Hair, Eye color is merely a tiny variable in a gazillion lines of code that makes up DNA.Wake up and smell the coffee dude and let go of the skinhead rage before you hurt yourself or others.

        14. Hola, anoche terminé la dichosa novela en cuestión y opino igual que tú, para hablar de ella hay que haberla leído. Me ha decepcionado y mucho, pues me habian dicho (un par de compañeros de trabajo) que estaba muy bien, que se leía de tirón etc. Me ha parecido floja, muy muy floja, el fin, la siguiente no la pienso leer ni regalada.

        15. Too funny! What a good mom you are. As the mom of a young girl I have also had my share of "spa" days with her. Thankfully as she is getting older her makeup application skills are slowly beginning to improve :)What a fun post! Jennifer

        16. Nekem meg a te stílusodról az a véleményem, hogy csodálom azokat, akik annyi dolgot rá tudnak tenni…nagyon tetszik, amit csinálnak, de arra meg én nem vagyok képes…egyszerűen nem akar annyira összeállni nekem…:):):)

        17. Can you believe I haven’t been through the corn maze? Not sure I’m up to it this year, either. LOL. Thank heavens Niece is old enough to do it on her own!Thanks for stopping by, Mer. See you Saturday!!Happy writing (because I KNOW you’re writing )-Melia

        18. Name (required)Светлана:Спасибо, Михаил. Я учусь совсем недавно, но уже получила столько знаний, что хватит не на один год.

        19. NoFuel 0  0Schon wieder so ein Video mit den sich selbst vervielfältigten Ich’s. Gute Idee, bissl nervige Stimme…aber mir persönlich gefällt das von Corey Vidal viel besser…Aber stimmt: Entweder hat der ne Socke im Schritt oder er hat voll ne abartig schlecht geschnitten Jeans an…Egal wie, ist voll ekelig!!!

        20. Mij viel de volgende zin in het artikel op: “In een schrijven aan het parket te Soerabaja had de assistant-resident van Malang tot vervolging geadviseerd”.Behoorde dat tot zijn competentie? Nee toch? Werd de fotograaf tot een tientje boete veroordeeld omdat de assistent-resident een veroordeling nodig achtte terwijl de rechter misschien wel anders geoordeeld zou hebben?

        21. Если до даты заседания комиссии акт не дали, и Вы попали непосредственно на заседаний комиссии по рассмотрению акта, в протоколе (своём и их экземпляре) укажите всё: «ÃÂ°ÃÂºÃ‘‚ составлен без Вас, что есть нарушением п.53 ППЭЭн, раздела 4 Методики». Можете добавить: «Ã‘ решением не согласны».

        22. Thank you Rita! I would love to see either more RAW presets and/or more blog template tutorials…If we can't win the template you could perhaps simply tell us how to get the faux flash header…Pretty, pretty please…Mwah. Much love to you and your sick little one…

        23. Actually, I meant to re-post — it turns out it *did* tape. It was a pretty decent documentary, though it didn’t deal much with the background story… I imagine one of the other upcoming features will talk more about that than the actual crimes.

        24. Sunt doua chestii de remarcat- Windows-costa bani ,Linux în toate variantele este gratuit iar performantele se împart,Ubuntu vine cu Firefox cu toate facilitățile acestui browser ,cineva spunea ca nu sunt jocuri în linux ok se poate instala ambele sisteme în același computer și nu veți regreta ,folosesc ambele sisteme și sunt foarte mulțumit.Încercați nu veți regreta, apropo pot sa va pun la dispoziție cum veți putea vedea programe TV în Linux Ubuntu oricare ediție de Ubuntu ,numai cu acordul lui Alexandru

        25. out07Vanessa Cristina Santos Olá! Bom dia!Meu nome é Vanessa e trabalho na empresa Marketing House (onde vocês inclusive já ministraram um curso). A partir do mês que vem, assumirei a função de finalizadora e tenho muito interesse no curso de vocês!Gostaria de me manter informada quanto a futura versão online e também sobre início de turmas para os próximos meses.Beijos!

        26. Cyber mi potresti mandare la tua mail al seguente indirizzo: valeria punto boffi at g mail punto comGrazzzieee!Devo mandarti una cosa, o in alternativa per favore guarda nei messaggi di Flickr.

        27. nothing about "adults only." So any child should be able to walk into a gun store and buy an AK-47, correct? (And if you gun nuts disagree, then why are you daring to restrict children's Second Amendment rights, you Nazis?)

        28. Marcos-DF / Olá a todos !Tem um robô militar, o Black Dog que é fantástico: pode carregar até 150 Kg, tem um senso de equilíbrio impressionante e é feio prá caramba !AbraçosGostei deste comentário ou não: 2

        29. I’d fight to defend my guns from burglars and thieves. But from the G? Well, if they came like gentlemen, I’d respond in kind and make them coffee while I was at it. I suspect that they’d come with smiles. They learned their lesson from Ruby Ridge about coming heavy. They’re not going to go all Lon Horiuchi on decent Americans, right? I mean, they wouldn’t do that. Would they?

        30. It’s more 50/50 for me. I agree that in general we are a friendly group, but I often get snubbed on the trail when I give a hello and I very much despise our local running stores. It’s like they only cater to the elite, not the every day runner. I’m glad to hear I’m no the only one to think there’s some “snobs” out there !

        31. What a delicious looking cake and a delicious little boy! I'm sure you can tell that I'm looking forward to grandchildren–some day. Joshua has the right idea for a visit to Santa!Best,Bonnie

        32. Absolutely – that’s when you know that the creators using the medium have come of age. It’s the examples that could never have been made _without_ being responsive that are the true game-changers. I think the same thing about 3D in movies – no-one’s woven the technology into the story yet. But I have hope – it’s early days at this point, and we’re already seeing glimpses of this kind of medium maturity with examples like the Travel Oregon site, which features design elements unique to specific device experiences.When it does happen, though…It. Will. Be. Incredible.

        33. Puh, da verpasst man echt nix…Wegen der ganzen Online-Bankerei und der EC-Karten muss ich nur noch sehr selten in Banken. Dieses Jahr war ich noch gar nicht. Letztes Jahr und vorletztes Jahr immerhin zwei oder drei mal…

        34. I’m honored to obtain a call from a friend as he identified the critical guidelines shared on your web site. Browsing your blog post is actually a real exceptional experience. Numerous thanks for taking into consideration readers at all like me, and I wish you the most effective of achievements as being a specialist domain.

        35. I’m thinking the ’72 GM Monte Carlo should remain the official car of Zombie Contentions. The Gremlin will be the Official Loaner. The Nash the Official Clunker on blocks.And every site author will receive his or her own fully restored and road-ready ’63 Avanti as a bonus just as soon as um we can afford it.

        36. Mitä tarkoittaa “metsien järkevä ja tutkitusti kestävä käyttö”?Tarkoittaako se puuntuotannon kestävyyttä, vain metsäekosysteemin ja -lajiston kestävyyttä?Jos metsällä viitataan vain taloudellisesti merkittävään puustoon, niin lienemme kohtuullisen kestävällä pohjalla.Jos metsällä viitataan koko ekosysteemiin, niin olemme kaukana kestävästä käytöstä.

        37. You kind of remind me a bit of Winona Ryder when you talk… weird to see blog-y people animated!I think I would be too scared to do it….due to over-protecting my mystique and all.What about Canadian politics though!?I think we sometimes forget that we do NOT live in Amuurica.

        38. Beautiful, Casey! You have such a wonderful way with words! I predict your ‘waiting’ won’t be near as long as some of us!We need to remember to enjoy the journey. Getting published is not the end of the journey, it’s just one more step along the way.Thanks for your inspiration!Cheers,Sue

        39. Did you forget “Phase 3″ was there since the first occupation of Kashmir and that “Phase 1″ only came when “Phase 3″ were brutally subdued? Do you also forget “Phase 1″ is the language of the current invaders who faced little retaliation from the international quarters? So what inspired the imperialist to opt for “Phase 1″? Muhabbat? Democracy?

        40. Its like you read my mind! You appear to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead of that, this is excellent blog. A fantastic read. I’ll certainly be back.

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        42. Salut méldie,tres simpa cette interface. Penses tu qu’elle passerai sur un EEEpc ???Ps: j’ai tester l’installation de ubuntu 8 en ligne de commande avec une Version alternate. Mais impossible de lancer le mode ligne de Commande. Si tu as une idée, tu a mon mailVoila merci encore tres sympa ton blog , passe sur le mien de temps en temps @++

        43. I, for one, can not even begin to think who you would be. However, if as you claim, we have met then you should know how to contact me. If you choose to do that using a name rather than "anonymous" then I, for one will be more than willing to listen to what you have to say. Please understand that it is not that people are brainwashed or deluded, it's that it is impossible to place credence in an accusation posted on a public forum as an anonymous entry.

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        47. Mercurior,I think there are some changes going on. For example, when the Duke rape case broke, my heart sank, thinking that the male students would end up being jailed and when Nifong won the election, it seemed there was no jutice in the world. But look what happened. The case has basically collasped and Nifong will suffer some consequences for putting politics over fairness. That is some progress–there will be more if we all stay involved–and do not give up in disgust.

        48. Charan,Trust me! The Honeybells are sweet! AND juicy! Boy, are they juicy! If you have any questions about Honeybells, tune into QVC on Thursday, January 8th at 7pm EST and I’ll try to answer all your questions. You’re right, the opportunity to buy them only happens once a year so get ‘em while they’re here!Meredith

        49. Que tiempos aquellos los de los cuadernillos rubio, je, je. Definitivamente es una aplicación interesante, me encanta. Yo he visto también juegos muy chulos para enseñar a leer a los niños y también juegos de memoria. Les encanta y los quitas un rato de la tele. Por lo menos con el i-pad tienen que pensar.

        50. tant mieux, ça arrive aussi (ouf!)@Lili: j'ai comme un doute… tu vis pas en France toi non?? Je me rappelle pas que des maisons de naissance soient ouvertes par chez nous…@Loufy: Et encore, les dents de sagesse, c'est une opération programmée non??@Eric: Aveugle, mais étiqueté.@Sofy: 😉 Moins tu y vas, mieux tu te portes!

        51. – unfortunately there is nothing really you can do. It pays to lose and gain weight slowly. You can try some vitiman E oil. That does help a little with the elasticity of the skin. Get a great tan that is what my son has done. Baz

        52. I have observed that in the world the present day, video games would be the latest phenomenon with kids of all ages. There are times when it may be extremely hard to drag the kids away from the activities. If you want the very best of both worlds, there are numerous educational gaming activities for kids. Great post.

        53. Quality:基本上,假冒名人甚至用任何真實姓名冒認別人開 facebook是不可以的,一經證實是虛假,以「一般程序和一般法例」來說,是有可能涉及犯法,詳細我也不能確定有關定罪細節。如果冒認別人而透過例如 facebook或網上活動來「借名」進行籌款、購物、性愛、動員做某些涉及犯罪行為之類,會較容易被真身當事人控告。不過,如果只是冒認開 account 又沒什麼活動的話,應該很難被控,都唔知控邊個。但又若果真要追查亦不是全無辦法。

        54. A pair of statist turds fall for that free trade bullshit, and when it backfires on them they are looking for someone to blame. You would think that they would point at the ones that actually voted for it.I guess that would be too logical.

        55. I HAVE started and was feeling quite smug about it until reading all of your comments here…it's only a small start but now I'm really stoked to get going after seeing (apparently) I should've been busy by July already! Jeesh.

        56. Dear Shamnad,Would appreciate if you could just provide a few examples of the traditional knowledge which have resulted in so called sucessful leads? Coming from a pharmaceutical industry i would dispute your assertion of the above cited fact of yours. Pharmaceutical industries conventionally develop their leads based on the synthetic chemistry which really require lots of effort on the part of the R&D.Can't really recall any turmeric or neem based prescription product?RegardsRaghu Sharma

        57. Паянгаа хутгаж бусдын доог зугаа болох вий гэхээс зүрх шимширнэ. Хүний амьдралд даян бахй л шүү днн, гэхдээ үргэлж паян хутгаж явдаг нөхдүүд баахан баарин зангаа болих хрэгтэй

        58. Well you know, I don't drink hot beverages so.. I'm good!That's amazing Angie! I'm SO proud of you-awesome!They are lucky to have you.. don't forget it. :)((Hugs))Laura

        59. P,I read your blog all the time, because you write a good blog – because you have the capacity/ ideas to write good blog. And I think, the right person, will see you for the wonderful person you are inside. The wait makes him all the more special. So don't ever judge yourself by the number of boys around you, or the status of your relationship. What is a bit of time if you can spend your entire life with Mr right?So I wish you the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        60. Sem computador em Lafões, li o livro de Pires Veloso. Até tenho vergonha e nada vou fazer. É um livro pessimamente mal escrito, pior revisto, pouco rigoroso, apologético, lunático, até faz pena! O único objectivo é anti-Eanes!Uma novidade (pelo menos para mim): Pires Veloso diz que Vasco Gonçalves o convidou para vice-primeiro-ministro do V Governo.Mas vá-se lá saber se é verdade!LT

        61. I PRESUME THE WEBSITE YOU ARE HOSTING IS OUT MOODED …………………………COME TO THINK OF THIS . WHO SAID WINNESEC IS EVEN AMONG THE FIRST 100 GOOD SHS IN GHANA Opoku Ware Scool should have been included to make this ranking whatsoever complete

        62. She’s not almost a doctor. She has a Nursing degree, which makes her a Registered Nurse. She has a second degree in Pre Med, and is planning to enter Med school as soon as possible. She is a qualified Physical Therapist. She oversees eight Practical Nurses at a Rehab Clinic in Alabama. She is also 30 yrs. of age, not 23, as she has stated. Shane also graduated with a Pre Med degree, but has not pursued the medical field.

        63. I’m trying to find one with an LED bulb in it… I don’t want to have to change the bulbs out, since they’re so darn expensive! But I can’t seem to find an LED projector at all, let alone for $2k or less.

        64. Då är vi lika intresserade av sport då;-) Inte ägnat mig många minuter åt sport och OS kan jag säga.. inte min grej, men så många andras:-)Fint det finns intresse för alla/Pialotta

        65. Interesting. The part that really struck me was when the (female) politician suggested that women should stop dressing in a provocative manner. Most interesting for those of us old enough to recall when blaming women for their own rape was A Bad Thing.It really is strange when a hetero white male like me actually cares more about women’s rights than « feminists ».Off topic, did anyone else see that earlier today ebay had an auction for Belgium? Somebody offered $17 million for the country before the auction was pulled.So which GoV commenter is responsible?

        66. culinaire tips heb ik niet voor je, ben niet zo vannhet bakken enzo.maar het recept voor een schop onder de kont ken ik al jaren:men neme: flinke bouwvakkersschoenen met stalen neuzen……succes

        67. E ainda há quem se admire da "popularidade" desse demagogo que atende pelo nome de Lula da Silva. "Popularidade" comprada a peso de ouro, com dinheiro público. E mais: sem oposição!

        68. NÃ¥wh, barn er sÃ¥ søte. Minner meg om naboungen pÃ¥ 4-5 Ã¥r som visste det meste om det meste. Da min mor og far bygde hus, kunne hun blant annet fortelle: "Gud har skapt alt han, trærne, bilene, fuglene, himmelen. alt sammen har han lagd. Ja, unntatt hus da, for det bygger jo dere." 🙂

        69. insert recent self-proclaimed nickname), and just like the glimpse we gave into the SEO, PPC, and Web Analyst minds, we now want to put the spotlight on the other corner of digital marketing. In this post,

        70. I had hopes for WW but had a bad feeling from the get go. Kelley was never the right choice but I was hopeful given the costume revamp.I think NBC probably made the right call as this could’ve been a high profile flop but the fan in me wanted it to go to series.

        71. critiques of sexy costumes for girls and women (here’s one that Allen cites, and here’s another excellent one from Adios, Barbie), what you’ll notice is that those of us who advocate for girls aren’t primarily concerned that

        72. Ein abendliches Woo-hoo-Erlebnis hatte ich auch schon des Öfteren, wenn ich mit Chillies hantiert habe, aber eher, weil ich es immer schaffe, mir mit den Chilligriffeln in die Augen zu greifen. Danke für den Überblick über die Verwendung des Adjektivs "schoaf" in Österreich, das freut mich als Germanistin natürlich außerordentlich :)Liebe GrüßeNadja

        73. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Many thanks!

        74. Good day, got really glad to find this kind of blog. In fact I pretty much found it by aol however I wasnt looking for anything related specifically to this particular in fact, but I really enjoyed checking up on the actual details you wanted to express. Cheers!

        75. Напишите ваш комментарий Вы можете использовать здесь HTML теги и атрибуты: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong> 

        76. Since my parish church doesn’t have a periodicals rack, I forgot what a common thing it is. On a recent visit to suburban Milwaukee, I chuckled when I saw the rack in the back of a particular church…Commonweal, Faith & Family, America, Sojourners, National Catholic Reporter, US Catholic, St. Anthony Messenger. The only one I’m not familiar with is Faith & Family. But the others sure give a sense of the “faith formation” going on in that parish!

        77. Love the field photos! That recipe looks like one I'd really like and that topping is one of my favorites :0)Feel free to use my blueberry photo Mary. Thanks for asking…

        78. Kesimpulannya, orang Pulau Pinang boleh terima duit Lim Guan Eng sebab Lim ni Yang buat benda haram. Orang yang terima derma tak kena dihukum haram bila terima duit sebab bukan diorang yang buat aktiviti haram. Terima je duit tuuuu. Kalau tak nak, bagi la kat gua sebab wa dah jelas dan faham hukum-hakamnya.

        79. Ønsker deg og dine en riktig trivelig kveld og et flott 2012!Høres litt deilig ut Ã¥ slappe av hjemme…nÃ¥r det er sagt gleder jeg meg til Ã¥ rusle bort til gode venner snart. MÃ¥ faktisk skynde meg ser jeg…hopper i dusjen. Gleder meg til bloggtreff!Klem♥

        80. specially distinctive site…Thanks regarding a couple of additionally wonderful write-up. Where various may everybody acquire whereby information with this perfect denotes concerning supplying? I have almost just about all display following evening or possibly 2, and therefore I…

        81. First time hearing this dude and likely to be the last. But Q made this song slightly digestable.———Just so you know, THIS is as bad as it gets. He really is a jewel to find hommie.

        82. Apophis, abril 1928, “…durante losdías 19 y 24 de abril, toda la región comprendidaentre el África y la Arcadia ha sido devastadapor otros violentos sismos iniciadosen 24 de abril…”, en esa fecha el objeto estuvo muy próximo, puede afectar la corteza terrestre el paso del asteroide?Saludos desde Argentina

        83. Hi Cherry – thanks for your comments. As hard as it may be, nothing really happens WITHOUT making a decision (…or you find yourself at the mercy of other people’s decisions).Taking a decision is literally liberating – it really does free you up and allows you to move forward rather than hanging around in limbo. My new mantra, ‘imperfect action not perfect inaction’ echoes the same sentiment!

        84. Fik jeg lagt min kommentar ind før? Det var som om det ikke lykkedes!Ville bare sige at du ikke er stylegal, men kan lide enkelhed og orden! Det er godt!Stort klem fra Helle

        85. I have read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style of blogging. I added it to my favorites blog site list and will be checking back soon. Please check out my site as well and let me know what you think.

        86. Abderrahim     nous dit le Assalamou aleykoum warahmatou llah wa barakatou,Version française toujours absente, aussi bien au niveau numérique que satellite. Pourtant, ils ne se gênent pas pour communiquer sur cette évolution fantôme…(J’ai vainement essayer de contacter la chaîne, mais mes mails m’ont tous été retournés pour défaut d’adresse email valide… Wait and see…)

        87. Sann seriøst.. det ser jo ikke ut som dem har gjort noe i det hele tatt. Hele bikinifitness greia er jo bare en spøk. Hvor mye kan en 17Ã¥ring ha jobbet..? Og hva var det Lone virkelig knuste mostanderne sine med? Bedre tilgang pÃ¥ solarium?please…dette er jo bare patetisk.

        88. I reckon it’s all to do with their IPO and a need to generate more income. What I’d like to see is a next-generation social network that isn’t based around silos, but around a decentralised ecosystem of applications communicating with each other using protocols like RSS.

        89. Shirley: My pleasure to link to you. Fresh turmeric, wow, I have no idea what that looks like but now I need to google it! Something about turmeric, like cinnamon and cumin, is addictive to me.

        90. Chris14/09/2012Doctor, hace 20 días me realizaron una septoplastia funcional y reducción de cornetes, al realizarme los lavados pasa el líguido de una fosa nasal a la otra, esto es normal? como puedo saber si la operación fue exitosa?.Muchas gracias.

        91. I love that little face!! So cute Your night sounds so fun. I love going to baseball games on summer nights…and your seats sound awesome!!I have tried different forms of yoga, but I never stick with it. I keep telling myself that THIS TIME I’m going to do it regularly, and then fall out of the habit again. Maybe one of these days…

        92. خودم می‌گه:راستش نوشته های قدیمی خودم رو توی گوگل‌ریدر شیر نمی‌کنم معمولا. ولی گاهی بعضی نوشته‌های خودم رو که دوباره می‌خونم بعد از یک یا دوسال احساس می‌کنم امکانش بود که همین امروز همون نوشته رو دوباره بنویسم. اینه که شیرشون می‌کنم.امیدوارم از روشنایی بی‌رمق بیشتر نصیب همه‌مون بشه

        93. I was really impressed by the quality of the questions you asked — very thought provoking and relevant. It was a little crazy though. Lots of people talking and chatting such that it was sometimes hard to keep up! That’s okay, though. It just made it a bit more like a wild party.

        94. Barak HAS GOT TO GET OUT OF THIS RACE RUT! He’s got to turn this around. One speech is not enough. Clinton is leading in the polls. He’s MAKING HUGE MISTAKES. He’s got to stay away from controversial morning shows. Those folks just want him to look horrible. God, please help this man.

        95. Por asuntos de trabajo resido en Tarragona y a mi padre le encantan las camisas Cugat que se las compra en Madrid. Creo que Cugat tiene su fabrica donde estoy yo ¿sabéis si puedo aprovecharme de donde estoy para comprarlas a mejor precio que en una tienda de Madrid? gracias

        96. SQUEE!I came home to a parcel of joy this afternoon! THANK YOU,MY DARLING!!!!Heavenly 70's secretary chic!!!I love,love,LOVE this!The coat really sexes it up,but o,the lines!MMMMMMMM.tapas!Yummo,don't get that very often;such a fabulous way to eat!Seldom Seen Child is awesome.How could he not be,with Darth Vader as his Dad?! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!Love to love you baby!XXXXXXXXXXXXX

        97. viens juste de rajouter une vidéo datant d’aujourd’hui dans laquelle il présente l’Airfryer Philips à l’IFA Berlin 2010. Ainsi tu auras une idée de sa taille, comparable à une autre friteuse en gros. Elle peut préparer 800g de frites en une fois.

        98. Why is there not a warrant out for this fake? How does he get away with this. Isn't anyone (any honest people left) going to do something or is he simply allowed to carry on as he does. This is appalling. Charge him with contempt. It's embarrassing to the judicial system of the USA. He's nobody important if he's not eligible.

        99. با سلاممن فایل نامبرم را شهریورماه ۱۳۹۰بعد از ۲ماه گرفتم ودر حال حاضر خبری از نامه مصاحبه و امتحان تف نیست.آیا باید پیگیری کنم که وضعیت پرونده ام در چه حالی است یا خیر؟؟؟واز چه طریقی؟لطفا راهنمایی بفرماییدبا تشکر

        100. Tomi, pointti oli, että valtaväestö ei ole kiinnostunut skepsiksestä. Lisäksi ihmisillä on usein väärä käsitys tai jopa värrää tietoa skepsiksen toiminnasta.Korvavalokin noteerataaan valtamediassa. Skepsiksellä ei ole julkisuudessa yhtään parempaa imagoa, eikä varmaan ole tulossakaan.Muutos tähän olisi ihan ok, mutta jos järjestössä itsessään mennän asenteella, "kaikki on ihan hyvin, minun puolesta ei ole mitään valitettavaa", on muutos yleensä mahdoton. Yleensä muutos vaatisi jonkinlaisen havahtumisen, jotta se saataisiin alkuun.Sääli!

        101. 6. 19747.1st publication Turpen Times8.1st president, Pricilla Hauser9.Helan Barrik children,whippersnappers10. Tom Sellick, Yes11.Mix paint from light to dark12. Teritary colors- mix 1 primary to 1 secondary or 2 secondary13.Ferrele,metal part of brush14Joan Johnson painted SDP emblem15Complimentary colors– Red-green,Blue-orange,and Yellow-violet16.Favorite artist, eventhough I have never had the opportunity to take one of your classes, I love your work so I guess it is you.

        102. Pour B, été vous sûre que la wii collecte la poussière au salon ? À titre de rappel, elle s’est vendu à 100 millions d’exemplaire, soit presque la somme des nombres des ventes de ses deux concurentes à la fois.. Et elle continue à se vendre, on vient même de sortir une nouvelle version  » wii mini », c.un peu trop pour une console délaissée comme vous le supposez.


        104. “We’re not ignorant of things like market manipulation and network externalities.”This may be true of you, but it’s certainly an open question as to whether this is true of the staff of Reason; in fact, it’s one of the chief complaints of non-libertarians about our minarchist friends (see e.g. at Ezra Klein’s place).

        105. Jun01Levent Kılcan site güzelmiÅŸ, tabi biraz yavaÅŸ çalışıyor normal olarak. Verilerin doÄŸruluÄŸu da düşündürüyor tabi. Her ne kadar TUIK vb. kurumlardan alınan veriler de olsa 🙂 Bu arada eklediÄŸin grafiklerin konuları dikkatimi çekti ve buradan sana çaÄŸrı yapıyorum :” Hayat evlilik (bir kısımdan seksi içerir) ve fakirlikten ( bir kısımdan parayı içerir) ibaret deÄŸildir” 🙂

        106. Thanks VIJAYBHAI for your encouragment. Please respond to my suggestions in my letter which Imailed to U.CHANDRAVADAN.I M enjoying your all web sites. My suggestions can bring VIJAY&FAMILY to web and it will be like meeting everyone and knowing everyone as ONE FAMILY. CHANDRAVADAN.

        107. You’re posting on a motorcycle site about a bike. A bike that happens to be one of the most amazing pieces of machinery I’ve ever experience. If you don’t care about learning about bikes or experiencing different types of bikes/riding, why exactly are you here?This bike has that magic that isn’t necessarily exposed on paper. If I had to ride one bike the rest of my life, it’s this and it isn’t close.

        108. we kind of look alike with our high cheek bones)! Man, I look so tall- should’ve kicked off those heels! Aren’t you taller than me?!Glad you’re feeling good and hope tomorrows follow-up goes well. I know you don’t want to have to be induced, so will say an extra prayer that everything checks out well tomorrow. Good luck, my friend!

        109. Zalezi jestli rozlisujete liberaly od anarchistu. Liberalove, jak je chapu ja, veri v nutnost branit iniciaci nasili. Nejsou uplne proti statu ale prisuzuji mu jen ulohu branit iniciaci nasili a vynucovat dodrzovani smluv. V zasade. Takze ve svete liberalu by se nehupsalo ani nevyvrazdovalo.Jestlize psychopati byli a jsou vzdy, pak nerozumim argumentu ze jejich existence je dukazem nutnosti statu.

        110. I also, was so saddened that you and Mitt were not to be our president and first lady. You would have been a wonderful first lady, and brought decency and pride back to the white house. May Heavenly Father bless you and your family always.. We, as Christians, will survive this setback as we always do. Thank you for your wonderful examples.

        111. Heard about this site from my buddy. He pointed me here and informed me I’d find what I need. He was right! I got all of the questions I had, answered. Did not even take long to find it. Love the fact that you made it so simple for people like me.

        112. it is worth 450k, vs. 275k assessment in 2004. Also, another tidbit of info is that it was bought for 375k in 2004. Question 1: how much profit did the seller make? Question 2: What does buying a property at cost below assessment value say about the property’s “true value”? Os it the cost paid or is the assessed value?Thanks for the input.AFE

        113. Cereal or 6ct Granola Bars $2.75 each -$1.00 off any ONE Kashi GOLEAN Cereal or use $1/1 Kashi GOLEAN Crisp! Cinnamon Crumble Cereal, Any or use $1/1 Kashi Cereal or TLC Snack, Any (must sign up and answer question) or use $1/1 Kashi

        114.   November 10, 2009Hi Kelly – the lambs need to put on about another 7 to 10 kgs and then they’ll be ready for the Woolies market! Our lambs always run really well, because they’ve run through the scales so many time before, too – it’s not good luck, it’s the fact thtat they’re trained to do it!!

        115. You know what’s great about having a blog? It’s all about sharing what you are thinking and that includes your beliefs.Never be ashamed or rather shriek back from sharing your faith. Whoever doesn’t like it can click the x at the top of the screen and move on. God will have the right people read what you have to say at the right time. Like me Michelle recently posted..

        116. Thanks, Donna. I was delighted to receive such a lovely review, and especially in time to help me with this week’s promotion. This length of time after publication, it’s hard to keep up the momentum of interest. If you know anyone who might be interested in dowloading a copy this week for the amazing bargain price(!), do spread the news. It will be going back up on Saturday.

        117. perfekta Det finns säkert flera översättningar. Den jag skrev ned var gjord i San Diego USA och hade en amerikansk version att referera till. Jag har inte sett den engelska texten, därför vet jag inte varförCharlotte Kohrs valde just ordet "perfekta" i brist på lagom.Intressant är varför det är gröt i en del sagor och soppa i andra, finns det fler maträtter som flickan äter av i andra översättningar?

        118. Esa es la misma situación de los demás centros bajo contrato para ofrecer terapias a través de educación especial, les deben miles y tardan meses por no decir años en pagarles. Centros, que no tienen otras fuentes de ingreso, esto es bien lamentable.

        119. This program can help me change my mindset on my perspective on life. Success doesn’t come overnight but when I applied correctly from knowledge gained in this seminar it will help me grow and become a better person with understanding and discipline to become more happier and self-satisfied with my life in general.

        120. Such a sweet and memorable idea! I enjoy knitting washclothes and hand embroidering tea towels- I can’t wait to share them with some fresh pumpkin bread. Thank you for inspiring others. Happy Thanksgiving to you–it can be so much more than just one day! thesixstumps at msn dot com.

        121. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

        122. Hi Mike, assuming that you’re replying to my articles about boycotting aid (Oct. 2012), then I think you and I are actually quite close in position. All I’m saying is that Palestinians should consider rejecting aid that comes with detrimental conditions, and I’ve shared a draft of criteria we can use to distinguish at . Would love your further comments on that page.

        123. Aw, this was a really nice post. In thought I would like to put in writing like this moreover – taking time and precise effort to make an excellent article… however what can I say… I procrastinate alot and in no way seem to get something done.

        124. WAH Elanee,u nurse ah? Everytime I see young nurse like u, my heart melts. Not like lockson, always see bad things…see ghost and see fat nurse. which hospital you worked ah? Next time I kena admitted to hospital, I request to go to your ward.

        125. pisze:jeżeli potrzebujesz niewiele – na 5-10 litrów to napisz do mnie na baniek(maÅ‚pa) mogÄ™ przesÅ‚ać Ci polimery za same koszty przesyÅ‚ki listem poleconym 5-6 zÅ‚Teraz rozdajemy próbki dla samodzielnych mieszaczy :DJest kilka sprawdzonych, dobrych receptur.

        126. apatheticfecalfooloi:confession:i find it immensely amusing that you have NEVER contributed a single intelligent pt to this blog but dare to "fact check" others?how do you have such balls when you have no dick??? such bravado and no brain?…just nice to see your fat foolish ass stop smashing that sex doll for a spell anyway…

        127. hello!,I like your writing so much! proportion we be in contact more about your article on AOL? I need an expert on this house to unravel my problem. May be that is you! Taking a look ahead to look you.

        128. Hamburger Hill has always been among my Top 10 favorite movies and it’s one of a few that’s firmly rooted there. While Platoon tells more of a story it’s also much more manipulative. hamburger Hill is, as you say, told as it was.I need to rewatch and finally review it.

        129. to me pretty much everyday by my parents (I'm unfortunately still living at home) and that I'm now going to complete the demands I was interrupted by whilst typing this very comment.My email address: msrebeccaclaresmith[at]gmail[dot]com

        130. Choix de mot douteux et volontaire C’que j’veux dire c’est que l’monde qui VEUT se matcher peut le faire aussi UNIQUEMENT parce que c’est ce qu’ils VEULENT…S’pas obligé d’être parce que les autres le font, parce que la société nous dicte que…Parce que la blonde du beau-frere en a des plus gros…

        131. I understand Bob, but we just looked at investing into a software app for Facebook promotion, the cost was about $18k , firstly as they are in direct contact with FB we asked them to pursue the fact that we have never had confirmation of being whitelisted. Bottom line is we got back the same answer we had to pay $10k a month to advertise and maintain a page as we needed an account manager, now for Facebook responding to this garbage, why wouldn’t they deny or comfirm it and isn’t this in the best interests of all?

        132. I would like to thnkx for the efforts you have put in writing this website. I’m hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming also. Actually your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own blog now. Really the blogging is spreading its wings quickly. Your write up is a good example of it.

        133. Am cautat pe emisiunea sa vad de ce v-ati agitat. Deci, un jeg de emisiune ca asta nu am vazut, e drept nici nu ma uit, dar o scarba de emisiune, asa ceva. Si jegul din emisiune il cultiva prezentatoarea si invitata ei Bahmu, nu saraca femeie batjocorita. Ar trebui oprita emisiunea de CNA sau cel putin Antena sa o ejecteze din grila.

        134. I have always liked Thoreau’s take on the questions of when and how far, as he had actually practiced what he preached:“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth, —certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine.” (from “Civil Disobedience”)

        135. Without a doubt the first product our family would get it the Medical Travel Wallet – we have a girl with anaphylaxis and this would be ideal to carry her epi-pen.Because of her allergies we also need to always take prepared food for her wherever we go so the Tote would be a great bag for bringing everything we need to allow our girl to enjoy a day out!

        136. Rhonda, your beautiful list reminds me of the Psalm about entering His courts with thanksgiving :)“(9) the strength of the body of Christ seen on this blog” <<Jesus, Paul and others were huge on strength & unity of the body…we're a sweet savor to Him:)

        137. Great timing! I’m rewriting my next 3 eps at the request of a prodco, to open up the series to branding and integration (we’d like to start working with real funding hahahahah)… it’s a whole new world.Plus: Permits me to amp up action sequences.Minus: Do I really have Caim eat Doritos? :/

        138. Hi Karthikeya, thanks for your comment Your point is valid. Tendulkar has played ~75% of his career as an opening batsman. The only reason I didn’t concentrate on that is given various filters (chasing, chasing 250+, not playing against Zimbabwe, Kenya etc.), I didn’t want to narrow my sample space too much. Also, I would guess that given all these filters, one might not come up with a huge number of games that satisfy all the criteria. But yes, your point is taken.I completely agree about Lara. Which is why I didn’t separate his contributions.

        139. would use it in the park, boring answer I know but my 2 yr old pesters to go all the time and already talk about taking baby sister, (who will be here in 3 months time). Baby sister can then sleep and we can play in the park all day – everyone happy 🙂

        140. An gripping speech is designer report. I opine that you should make much on this content, it strength not be a inhibition person but generally group are not enough to verbalise on specified topics. To the next. Cheers like your Pear’s Fun Facts: Bananarama | Annoying Orange.

        141. A thoroughly enjoyable read – although i notice plenty of detractors on lesser blogs. Thats just jealousy. You have done a consistentiy excellent job and deserve pastures new after an influential time in China. As was mentioned above one quick glance around this website shows very well your accomplishments. The US is going to be’ a good move for you i think they appreciate winners there.

        142. Oh merci ! J'suis trop contente, j'en ai mangé cet été à Marrakech, la cuisinière m'a expliqué mais dans un très mauvais français comment elle faisait, je n'avais pas encore testé mais là, je vais m'y mettre car c'était trop bon !!!BisousDelph

        143. می‌گه:نگاه جالبی بود، من تا حالا فکر می کردم کانادا خودش را با سیاست های انگلیس هماهنگ می کنه ، البته فرق چندانی هم نداره ، چون انگلیس متحد خوبی برای آمریکا است.

        144. lasa, ca japonezii sunt antrenati cu explozii nucleare. Parca stiau americanii de ce le-au facut trainingurile de la Hiroshima si Nagasaki.Tu Traiane, esti de-a dreptul dobitoc. Eu eram convins ca japonezii sunt nr. 1 in lume ca natie. Dar m-am inselat. Tre’ sa fii idiot sa nu-ti iei toate masurile de prevedere cand faci o fabrica nucleara. Adica, in plm, la ei sunt cutremure in fiecare zi, ar fi trebuit sa prevezi si ca o sa fie unul de proportiile astea. In lumina evenimentelor, par cei mai incompetenti oameni de pe planeta.

        145. 13bHiya very cool blog!! Man .. Excellent .. Superb .. I’ll bookmark your site and take the feeds additionally?KI am satisfied to search out a lot of useful info right here within the put up, we need work out extra techniques on this regard, thanks for sharing. . . . . .

        146. Hi there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your content seem to be running off the screen in Safari. I’m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you know. The layout look great though! Hope you get the issue solved soon. Kudos

        147. wäre nett, wenn du deine Erfahrung demnächst mal präsentieren könntest…wenn denn Ergebnisse vorliegen.@Sam: nur, weil ich fast ausschließlich DoFollow Links habe (was wohl keiner hat), setzt das Google nicht automatisch in Alarmbereitschaft. DoFollow ist ein normaler Link, bis vor einigen Jahren gab es das Attribut “NoFollow” nicht mal. Von daher musst du dir da keine Sorgen machen.

        148. … This combined with the Madoff scandal is going to really hurt the Jews image amongst lemmings. Here is the list of things I talk about :1.) Murder of Rachel Corrie2.) Attack on USS Liberty3.) Jonathan Pollard Spying4.) Madoff5.) the five Rabbi Crime-bossesYou might also want to add the Fed and Goldman Sachs and the trillions they are stealing ($23 trillion at last count); people are especially attuned to these just now.

        149. buna ziua,am o intrebare referitor la hepatita b.sotul meu este diagnosticat cu hepatita b cronica si pana acuma a luat numai lagosa.a depus dosarul pentru intereferon.Intrebarea mea este interferonul este bun pentru hepatita b sau nu?parerile altor persoane spun ca nu e necesar interferonul.Va multumesc mult1

        150. Hermano Emilio: Gracias por sus palabras y por su disposición de cooperar con La Plataforma Unitaria Cubana, en breve publicaremos la cuenta donde enviar las donaciones, Si el 5% de los cubanos donara $1 mensual, serian miles de dolares que pudieramos enviarle a los hermanos que no le permiten trabajar, y que dedican su vida a la Causa de la Libertad de Cuba, Gracias, esperamos su cooperación.

        151. Dymphna – kudos to you for your discretion and reluctance to jump to conclusions – a rare quality in the blogosphere (or the MSM, il va sans dire. It’s rare to see critical analysis of a story that is NOT motivated by a desire to make it fit an established storyline.

        152. Oct14wmccaig I agree…fear is a huge issue in all this. Like you I feel safe because I know that Charles and Yolanda have the street smarts that I lack and that they would never allow me to get myself into a dangerous situation. That is what they give us, that hedge of protection that comes from years of walking those streets. I love seeing the world through their eyes…I have learned so much!

        153. Hi Ray. Is the sensor part of the HR strap the same as the current 2010 Premium strap or are both the sensor and strap different? Is it worth waiting for the bundled strap to be available separately?Would you still suggest the Polar Wearlink strap, over the newer bundled Garmin strap, with the Garmin sensor, as per your ‘A solution to heart rate dropouts/spikes with Garmin HR Soft Straps’ post?Thanks.

        154. Benny was obviously on drugs when California house prices had an eight year slump from 1991 through 1999. That was no "cycle" and neither is this. California is prone to overbuilding and this is the worst episode ever. Our unemployment rate is in double digits and rising.To realtors it is always a time to buy (or sell). California house prices aren't done falling yet. Did you miss the poin on notices of default? Those are even lower than they would be because our legislature passed a new law delaying foreclosures. We're definitely in for a multi-year slump.

        155. Åååå…. Vilken fin gravidmage! Nästan, men bara nästan, sÃ¥ man fÃ¥r lust pÃ¥ en sÃ¥dan. Men vi väntar nog lite till innan vi skaffar nr.2, hihi…Du fÃ¥r ha en jättefin dag – njut den! Stor kram Joy

        156. I'm loving dresses too, and I feel the same about my arms because I hate them, but I'm going to tell you what I tell me — get over it! God made you BEAUTIFUL so don't be afraid to try a new fashion out 🙂 You'll be pleasantly surprised.

        157. Appropriato di un tuo video? BEEP! Sbagliato! Hai pubblicato i tuoi video con la possibilità di essere usati in altri siti.E poi chi sarebbe il pusillanime che si nasconde nell’anonimato? Vai sulla pagina info di questo blog: ci troverai nome e cognome, più innumerevoli link su come contattarmi e sapere chi sono. Puoi dire lo stesso?

        158. Kelly- Yeah 127 Hours is pretty intense. He does it so well! And Eagle vs Shark- Who doesn't like a fittingly awkward romance movie?Marianne- Hehe, den er ret vild. Men det er også kun en enkelt scene der er voldsom, synes jeg. Og jeg havde altså lukket mine øjne det meste af tiden! Men den kan anbefales. Bare se den sammen med en og luk dine øjne

        159. Poor Jake! I’m glad everyone is okay. And bad, distracted driving is universal. I spend more time than I used to fending off near misses. It’s scary, especially when I’m teaching younger son to drive.

        160. You can wear anything with brown, so long as it isn’t black!Bright colours with a dark brown are fantastic. A pale color is also workable.I think you’ll do just fine with a medium pink shirt. +2Was this answer helpful?

        161. Great interview, so glad to finally see Ms Westcott getting her voice and the truth out there. This has been a hot topic in my household for some weeks and I’m so glad to see that she’s finally getting the recognition she deserves.

        162. This is exactly why I am a teacher. I take that anger and turn it into joy and love and use it to create an environment of acceptance and caring where we all learn together what it means to be a community. I realized at some point that it's totally okay be angry at the injustices and cold hardheartedness of others – that there is such a thing as righteous anger – you just have to use that anger as a servant for love. And if you can make your anger a servant of love – well that's alchemy for sure.

        163. Puha nejda .. Sorry. men den kjole p̴ billedet er slet ikke mig..! S̴ bliver mode alts̴ liidt for avanceret, efter min smag. Du har s̴ god og individuel stil Рdu kan sagtens finde noget bedre, uden det bliver et chiffonhelvede :)//

        164. Wow, awesome blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your web site is excellent, let alone the content!. Thanks For Your article about Sexys mujeres en lenceria | Chavas y Mas .

        165. Why the VERY BAD WORD would you tell someone she “used to be hot”?? She should be banned from Earth, not just your property. Harrumph.Sorry the Langoliers have been so hateful lately. No wonder you’re crabby! Hope they back off soon.

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        167. OK I found the problem – somehow my iPhone was not accepting cookies; go to Settings-Safari-Privacy-Accept Cookies (select either From visited or Always). Then it works without issue.

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        169. I, too, hope he finds a niche somewhere with teaching kids art. That is a wonderful gift! I never learned to draw and I regret that to this day. Aren’t internet issues aggravating?!?!?! Have you ever backed up your blog? It was suggested to me that I do that, so I do it now. Just in case…some day, we lose it all!

        170. Ros skriver:Psykiatrins destruktiva agenda. Psykiatri är det största bedrägäriet nÃ¥gonsin. Det är ocksÃ¥ det farligaste sÃ¥ de förtjänar etiketten ”Dödens industri” Är bra överenstämmande med verkligheten ocksÃ¥ genom Ã¥ren tyvärr. Undrar hur länge de fÃ¥r leka med folks hälsa innan folket sätter stopp för deras dÃ¥rskap.

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        174. Can you compose some thoughts on the prospect of private funding for space telescopes (or other space science), based on the history of ground based privately funded telescopes, in light of recent efforts by the B612 Foundation to field the “Sentinel” telescope? Thank you in advance.

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        177. Juvenal • 30 de Maio de 2010 às 23:59legal, valew.quando eu vou em cadastraer eu escolho um dominio gratutio e preencho ese campo, esta certo?www. .comXA.comeu rpencho nesse espaço ai ne?e depois preencho dados pessoais que aparecem. to fazendo certo?

        178. Congratulations to you both. Epic!You realise that you have cycled the equivalent of 15% of the way round the world… why stop now just when you are getting the hang of it? I have seen odd spots of Canada over the years but following your blog and photos has stitched them together wonderfully. Look forward to hearing all the stories over a glass of wine/beer some day.Well done again!Take care.

        179. 10/18/2012 um 1:58 PM · Thank you for any other informative site. The place else could I get that kind of information written in such an ideal approach? I’ve a venture that I’m simply now operating on, and I’ve been on the glance out for such information.

        180. As I understand it, black churches took to opposing homosexuality as part of their own quest for respectability via orthodoxy — in other words, they felt they had to toe the line if they were going to be taken seriously. Mind you, some preachers have been sharp enough to cross the line because they see the ramifications of letting the majority dictate the rights of a minority:

        181. Información…Valora en Los 10+ Adictivos de la Semana es una colección de sitios web, vídeos, o cualquier tipo de producción creativa, que publicamos “generalmente” cada semana y que incluye los mejores proyectos en alguna categoría o los m……

        182. Murat Sonmez / 04 Nisan 2011Buradayiz bir yere gitmedik. Gunluk haberler devam edecek. 1 nisan sakasiydi o. Bugun Nintendo’da roportaj vardi o yuzden olmadi.Cevaplamak için giriÅŸ yapın

        183. So glad you are OK! It sounds very traumatic to have to see such a beautiful place on this earth devastated like it was and yet it all pales to Japan. Praying all will be well soon for all concerned!

        184. Gracias, por todo ese material tan especial que Enigma ha hecho por todos nosotros, creo que estas dos decadas son extraordinarias por su material, por su contenido y por toda esa inspiracion que hace unico a este grupo, especialmente para mi que creci junto a todos los temas que se vinieron desarrollando, GRACIAS ENIGMA.

        185. hello mr.dodia…….parvatina pran nath song is from bum bu bhole t rax company.ahmedabad……praful dave is singer of that song…if u want that c.d i’ll give the number of produser of that him……thnk u…..

        186. Hi Todd,I bought the Grouper when it came out — it was LP only and ridiculously limited, unfortunately. I’d keep checking the MP3 blogs, though. I was able to find MP3s for the album shortly after it came out on one of those.Brian B.

        187. I’m excited to uncover this page. I need to to thank you for ones time just for this fantastic read!! I definitely savored every little bit of it and I have you saved as a favorite to check out new stuff in your web site.

        188. My To-Do Lists are totally out of control, if that makes you feel any better. It's kind of ridiculous how many lists I have. I need a list for my lists.Thinking of you my friend…just know that I can relate over here!

        189. Thank you so much for doing the show. I know it’s a very weird thing to be asked, and I appreciate you trusted me enough to come along. It was fun, and I can’t wait to do it again, either. In fact, I’m hoping to have a big round-table discussion after the primaries with all the guests that have been on, just to see where it’s going. You game?

        190. What do you mean “Everything is tied into the debate schedule”? I realize you guys on the editorial staff think your endorsements make a difference but take a breath and look at history, newspaper editorials are meaningless.As I indicated, I’m of the opinion that the debate schedule dance had more to do with polling trends not yet revealed. Why else would the guy whose been leading in the polls want an early debate and the guy trailing want to postpone. You guys at the paper should use your heads a little bit and repress the egos.

        191. I would like to add when you do not actually have an insurance policy or you do not belong to any group insurance, you may well benefit from seeking assistance from a health broker. Self-employed or those that have medical conditions ordinarily seek the help of a health insurance specialist. Thanks for your post.

        192. True Romance. I think Tarantino (co?)wrote the original screenplay, but someone else directed. Gary Oldman plays a pimp who thinks he is black, pioneering territory where Da Ali G Show followed years later. Lots of movie industry insider jokes. Early and career-building roles for Slater and Arquette.

        193. love your colorful dress and the vest (as usual!!)and how you wear all your silver accessories with so much style, and love the story of your pendant!I thought I was a huge fan of chunky silver rings, but I must to recognize I'm a simple amateur, dear, you're awesome!!besos

        194. This design is wicked! You most certainly know how to keep a reader amused. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Excellent job. I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

        195. Am pus aseara . Imi place cum staluceste parul . L-am uscat foarte putin si l-am prins peste noapte intr-un coc in varful capului :)) ca sa aiba volum dimineata. Am avut grija sa nu dau la radacina si am fost multumita de rezultat

        196. Hola a todos tengo una duda. En mi comunidad se decidió hacer la elección anual de presidente por rotación, y el último presidente no hizo absolutamente nada, aún teniendo administrador, asi que he decidido presentarme voluntariamente para ser presidenta. Quería saber si es legal presentarme voluntariamente al cargo?

        197. 7 Ways to Use Slideshare to Get More Blog Traffic _kmq.push([« trackClickOnOutboundLink », »link_50c0edcfb1329″, »Comment link clicked »,{« Title »: »http:\\/\\/\\/7-ways-to-use-slideshare-to-get-more-blog-traffic », »Page »: »7 Ways to Use Slideshare to Get More Blog Traffic »}]);

        198. Love it. I remember an Arizona desert race in the early ’80s. A bunch of “1%ers” (Not OWS types) entered 5 old beat up Harleys/Hondas/Whatever in a sanctioned ADRA race. Don’t recall if anyone finished, but I’ll bet they had more fun than us “serious” guys did.

        199. 16 sept sambutan hari m’sia. tp concert oleh artis indo? jiwa m’sia kah namanya?mn pihak2 yg berkenaan? ariel yg semua tahu punya masalah sosial dan dikecam hebat pun boleh masuk msia? mmg la itu masa lampau dia, tp knp sng2 dia blh msk & wat concert kat msia? mn etika kita? masih nk sanjung lg org2 sebegini???huh!!!

        200. Awesome vid, would have liked to hear more about : migration theory, that slide he skipped showing the masses and frequencies of observed planets, and that question that was raised about how many stars have no planets. Since he seems interested in planetary composition it seems like these questions would be pretty important to him.

        201. Hey Rob, Is there a way to make contact with you outside this website or even in it? I have questions that I want to ask about the East and Rome! I have many friends that are trying to do everything to pay tribute to the Bishop of Rome, but I refuse to because some of their doctrines….plus the whole Pope thing….Let me know, Ling

        202. Enfin, « imposer » ou « persuader », en ce qui concerne la religion catholique et ce qu’elle a engendré de par le monde (je pourrais dire la même chose pour la plupart des religions d’ailleurs), le résultat me semble quasi-identique. Et le livre de Raspail le montre bien. Ces Alakalufs, on ne leur a pas imposé la religion par la force, et pourtant, quels dégâts … !

        203. Shifting Gears…So, Problogger asked its readers why someone would be likely to stop reading their blogs/feeds. 23 people said, “Blog Changes Focus (too much off topic posting)” putting it at #4 on the list. I personally see blogging as an evolving medium. I mean, i…

        204. I am nodding away over here, going « word, word, word », but I have to add – I had the exact same reaction to them keeping Watson’s limp in, namely, omgdelight. It was just a choice that they soooo didn’t have to make, but they committed to it, and, oh, Law just played him perfectly.

        205. On pourrait dire la grippe « cochère », non ? Si, si, si, je sais que les coqs cochent (les cochons aussi, mais pas les poules) et que la cochère est la dame qui tient les guides du coche. Le porc de l’angoisse ? Quelqu’un en a déjà parlé ici, je suppose.

        206. I bought the book as a time filler for a holiday flight; trouble was the book took over and I'd read it long before the return flight.Having been a gigging musician (Bass) since 1962 I found so much in the book that I could relate to and identify with down the years especialy band members lack of consideration for their fellow musicians.Play on Don.

        207. Charger you are wrong.One thing that could help with health care greatly is limiting doctor's liability. Their costs are driven sky high by the ridiculous amounts of malpractice insurance they have to carry just to cover themselves from frivolous lawsuits. Limit that liability to one million dollars and watch a lot of costs come down.

        208. Coronel É muita informação não só para o ‘nosso presidente’ mas também para a imensa maioria do povo,que pensa que o FMI é um banco dos homens brancos de olhos azuis reunidos desde sempre apenas para explorarem os mais necessitados. E Lulla cisca alegremente no lixo da mídia leniente e covarde,que ninguém é maluco o bastante para desligar os holofotes.Nome Próprio

        209. Hello Lauren, nice to meet you. Are you in the nursing program now or waiting to get in? I have always wanted to get my RN degree, just never worked out. I think you will really like the online classes. This is my second semester and I am still a little confused but learn something new everyday. Good Luck this semester!Jan

        210. I hope that over time you find the solace that you need. I suffer anxious “bouts” too, but mine is self-induced because I always want to do and/or somehow BE better (at work, home, just it life), but day by day, I’m learning to do my best to do and be better than I was before.And late forties isn’t “older”. It’s “more distuinguished” Hope the garage door gets fixed soon!

        211. So let me get this straight: the difference in hitting between the two is such that Trout had a higher OBP than Cabrera, but Trout couldn't possibly be equal to Cabrera once you factor in 48 steals at a 90% success rate and almost two dozen double plays Cabrera hit into? I'm pretty sure you haven't really thought this through.

        212. My family started visiting Linwood last year to enjoy the magnificent beach and community. This year, we rented a cottage for a week, and it was the most memorable time we’ve ever had. We will be coming back for years to come! Thank you for providing such a wonderful community and experience! God bless.

        213. Hi Philipp, no, but close :-)When a user comes in from Google, he should be able to see the full content, always, every time he comes in from any search on any Google site. However, when that user clicks around within the site after viewing the first content, you are able to limit the available content. Again, if a user comes in from Google multiple times a day, he should be able to see the full content of the article (as it is crawled and indexed by Googlebot) every time he comes in from Google. It is not limited to the first time that the user comes in from Google.I hope that makes it clearer 🙂

        214. Well, well, well Mr Von Pip, you have really stirred the liitle rascals up this time with your outrageous comments on popular Scottish culture.One day the kids will understand how misguided they once were, when they look back on the short lived career of GLASVEGAS and think; what was that song called again, you know the one they did that wasn’t that bad, nar! can’t think of one.Me neither!

        215. Both you and Sarah were a huge blessing when our family switched to a Paleo lifestyle almost 2 years ago. It was very hard to find information or recipes. I’ve enjoyed listening to the podcasts & have started collecting Paleo cookbooks to use and share with others in our area who have switched over as well from seeing our results and story. I would love to win to be able to so I could continue to be a blessing to others! Thank you so much for all you’ve done and continue to do! HUGS

        216. I was walking in SS the other night and the flower beds on the sidewalks on Ellsworth interrupt the flow of pedestrian traffic. Why not move these on to the street to disrupt the flow of automobile traffic.If you were in charge of the budget which intersections would you like to see fixed? Which awkward landscaping, electrical boxes, or other miscellaneous items have you noticed that are chronic congestion areas?

        217. Jammer dat ik je een gevaarlijke gek noemde. Had ik niet moeten doen. Was emotie.Maar de kern meen ik wél: Wat geeft je het recht om op basis van JOUW religieuze overtuiging de lichamelijke integriteit van een ANDER aan te tasten ?Leg me dat eens uit.Voor de goede orde: een besnijdenis zonder medische noodzaak is wel degelijk nadelig voor de seksualiteitsbeleving, maar dat is voor u als vrouw misschien moeilijk te begrijpen. Overigens vindt u vrouwenbesnijdenis ook toelaatbaar ?

        218. I’ve always had the hardest time trying to pick a fav food, but I think that Lobster has to take the cake (or my grandma’s curry, rice, and parathas – who can say no to home cooked Indian food? ) But those that you’ve mentioned might change my mind if I was lucky enough to taste them

        219. From Orly Taitz: "Dear sirs and lady, Please, find the response to the prior e-mail by Mr. Kriegshouser and a Motion seeking a preliminary injunction by the Objections board. I apologize for the motion not being as good as I would like, however I am rushing to the airport to fly to KS and had to draft it at night with limited amount of time."Oh, well we'll be sure to feel REAL sorry for YOU, Hirsutia!!

        220. INDICATORE FTSEMIB/FIBSP – MINIFIBciao a tutti, anche io come Robert in genere sono piuttosto “ligio” all’indicatore, cioè….quando è neutral sto fermo e aspetto. Ho fatto un piccolo strappo alla regola ieri considerando che Nardini da gg parla sempre di 15200 e 15800…….. così ho provato con un long leggero sul mini ftse/mib a 15255 e stop 15200. Partenza che dà margine oggi, lo stop lo porto a 15300 e se dovesse riuscire a superare 15510 lo alzerò ulteriormente in attesa del report.☆

        221. Liberty University? Hoo boy! You can see Liberty University infomercials late at night on PAX TV. I don’t know what degrees they’re selling, but they are definitely telling people that the rapture is coming and it’s all for white people, and that the antichrist is a multiculturalist. A speech at « Liberty University » indicates that McCain is indeed cozying up to the psychotic end of the repug base.And why do these Ann Coulter freaks always equate Al Sharpton with Farrakhan & Falwell? Or they will say that Farrkhan is on the « left. » No sir, there is nothing lefty about Farrakhan. He is as right as it gets as far as I’m concerned.

        222. is my favorite tv show,i always get hungry watchin zimmerm eat all kinds of food,i know some are gross and is just for entertainment but i really like the spain food part,the chile and peru and mexican,also the one in southern USA, asia and pacific islands really good food,i eat alot of thing that no ordinary people will eat specially from seafood

        223. It really is a lovely book, and very practical! It's very funny that it's so similar to your lesson plan, Polly :)Laura – I think the paperback version (due out in May) will be much more affordable. Hardbacks are lovely things to own but they can be a tad pricey sometimes.Marysza – as long as you have a UK delivery address that should be fine.

        224. Nice piece, thank you, and thank you for the honest bewilderment you showed at one point, and for bringing him back to earth. I wanted to note that, paradoxically, sometimes an unbroken street wall (a la Park Ave in NYC) can be more comforting to a pedestrian than plinths and plazas that break things up, wonderful though they are. Interesting to figure out how to design both for the reliablility and order the psyche wants and for greater street life and communal vitality. Michael M

        225. Test merkezi açık, getirin tokatlasın? Desteksiz atmamış olursunuz hem. 🙂 Testteki kartlardan o yüzden ekstra bahsediyoruz. Bu testte bizim kullandığımız GTX 260'ın performans rakamları böyle. Güncel GTX 260 (216 SP olan) bizim kullandığımız karttan yavaÅŸ mı? Hayır, daha hızlı; o kartı da inceledik zaten. Demek ki bu testte çıkan rakamlardan da daha iyisini yapacak. Test sisteminde güncelleme peÅŸindeyim ama sizin düşündüğünüz nedenlerle deÄŸil sizin muhtemelen sandığınız ÅŸeyleri deÄŸiÅŸtirsek sonuçlar deÄŸiÅŸmeyecek.

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        227. Nice read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch as I found it for him smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thank you for lunch!

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        229. Glanville was being treated a source, not reporting or editing the story herself (if i understand this correctly) what is your thought about her position if she had declined to answer the reporter’s question, or deflected it in some way, leaving the reporter to do his or her own search for facts? on another aspect of the facts in any story idea: every story, it seems to me, is a distillation of fact, language, and idea. all the more reason take care with all of those, also a factor to be considered in reading, writing and editing, however.

        230. Trop bien! Je me tâtais tout à l’heure à tester des huiles Bio pour le visage quand je suis passée au rayon soins de Monop’, mais je me suis demandée si je voulais vraiment essayer l’huile pour ses effets ou alors juste acheter ça pour le packaging…Alors ce dossier tombe à pic 😉

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        233. Secession requires a driving issue, some touchstone that would convince a regional majority to secede, and winning a civil war against all military forces that the federal authorities can bring to bear.Not very viable at this point.

        234. Hi Joakim — our photographs are free and you can use them for any of your projects on the web. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and adapt our images. DO NOT use our photos in a stand alone manner and DO NOT sell our photos. Good luck with your projects!

        235. I wouldn’t worry.. Even Einstein had to take out the garbage, and try to get dates. Propagation of the species is a reasonably high priority. And to think back to the 60’s, all the population cannot be hip at the same time. Some people are always free thinking freaks, and the most of people are happy to drift through life.

        236. October 27, 2012 at 12:34 pmGreat story.”Faking it” is a good way to build belief. Plus, it forces you to jump it instead of thinking too much about what may be lacking. I do it a lot when I want to try something new. I Love IT! Reply

        237. Actually she is the kind of the writer that uses way too many characters, try to shake things well before coming to a conclusion but never leaves the track .. well i guess this is the ability that makes her a great writer but we have to agree this is not her finest creation.I might be wrong but i think she has given her best with Harry Potter.As far as your book is concerned I will definitely read that but this time I think me, your biggest fan can use a complimentary signed copy from the author

        238. You could definitely see your enthusiasm within the article you
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        240. El dia de les eleccions tindrem la resposta, però es segur que la majoria de gent que parla del tema, si està d’acord amb la independència, no sap justificar la seva opinió.I això és molt perillós, que la gent del Principat votin sense saber les conseqüències. Igual que tampoc les coneix el president Mas.

        241. Ciao Vincenzo, questa è la nostra riflessione alla trasmissione di ieri sera: “Il mare è un acquario divino, fatto di armonie e di silenzi ed è sorprendente farsi ancora stupire dalla bellezza di animali, potenzialmente mortali, ma vitali per la nostra stessa soppravvivenza.Grazie per le emozioni che ci trasmetti!!!

        242. “what would have been the appropriate retaliation?”Under international law, there is no difference between the acceptable actions taken if there were no civilians hurt or if the bus was full of kids. Thankfully, there were not. But if there were, Israel’s obligations under international law wouldn’t change.

        243. que bueno que estes buscando un acuario mas grande para tus peces. Con respecto al acuario, lo puedes lavar solo con agua y una esponja, y luego dejar que se seque totalmente, yo en lo personal he tenido acuarios en la interperie y jamas los he desinfectado con agua hirviendo cuando los vuelvo a usar. Suerte.

        244. Hãy truyền nhiệt tình, kiến thức, tình yêu và cả tuổi thanh xuân cho các con vùng cao. Các con và xã hội sẽ nhân lên tất cả tâm huyết của các cô. Chúc các cô luôn Mạnh khỏe, tràn đầy Niềm vui và Hạnh phúc (Rất mong là như thế).

        245. que sepas que @Arzakon se me ha adelantado en el comentario sobre la historia ‘cocinada’ por Salvatore. En cuanto vi esa línea, supe lo que hay dentro, y el final de análisis me lo esperaba. Salvatore no es un gran escritor ni guionista. Predecible.En fin, otro RPG del cual nunca me acercaré, para hacer personajes me los hago en mis partidas de mesa, dados y fichas XD (y es mucho más divertido lo que pasa después)

        246. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll I agree with you Kev, a moving athlete is essential.I’m 42 right now and am in the best shape of my life. I’m currently combining the gym (upperbody) with my hybrid roadbike for strength and endurance. I’m aiming to complete 40/50 mile rides…yeh baby!Davinci out

        247. Спасибо Лешка! Да, кстати с Краби тоже можно съездить в залив Панг Нга, я не написал, что в этот залив можно выехать на длиннохвостой лодке, зафрахтовать ее можно в портах. На Пхукете сие удовольствие стоит от 2500 бат. Если брать человека 4, то получиться дешевле, чем брать экскурсию, и будете сами решать — какие острова посетить!

        248. DeZoSSeuR dit :merci pour se chapitre, il est monstrueux, les supernovas on bien le même look que oda avait dessiné, c’est cool, donc on connait déjà le look de tout les supernovas…^^vivement le dans dix jours, le 22 aout pour la suite, il risque d’être passionnant, la contre-attaque va pouvoir commencé!!!;)

        249. Dear Madam / Sir,I am interested in buying a rough Alexandrite which is approximately 5.00 Ct with a distinct changing of color. This is somewhat like the picture on your Blog:If you own this kind of stones, please send me a picture of each one corresponding to the discribtion above. It’s important to see each one on the natural light and condescente light. With the price of each one, included shipping for France and tax.Thank you.Kind regards,J. B.

        250. hallo zusammenuns kam das ganze sowieso spanich vor, das die überweisung an eine tschechische adresse ging. unsere zahlung vom 14.1.10 ist angeblich nicht eingegangen und die hotlein von samsung kann uns nicht weiterhelfen. weis da jemand was?die mail an die mentormedia kommt nicht an

        251. C’est vrai que ces remarques reviennent souvent en création de sites, en règle général ceux qui ne sont pas trop expérimentés vont même se baser sur les concurrents ou LE concurrent principal…Comme si les autres faisaient un travail parfait et étaient des références dans leurs domaines.

        252. Bài viết thật hay.Phải có cái nhìn sâu sắc mới có thể cảm nhận được những điều nhỏ nhặt như thế này. Dù nhỏ nhặt nhưng đó là cuộc sống chung quanh ta.

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